MONDOVISIONI: Internazionale's documentaries > January – April 2014

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MONDOVISIONI: Internazionale’s documentaries

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In collaboration with CineAgenzia


Comune di Bologna & Quartiere Saragozza

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Sponsored By Emil Banca

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From January-April 2014: 8 new documentaries on current events and human rights

After its huge success in 2013, the series of documentaries from Internazionale, MONDOVISIONI, returns to Bologna with thanks to the renewed partnership between Kinodromo, Sfera Cubica and Locomotive club, in collaboration with CineAgenzia. For the second year running, we will show 8 of the most interesting documentaries from all over the world.

Screenings will be held from January to April 2014 at Kinodromo (Cinema Europa). These films, covering themes of online privacy, gender violence, humanitarian aid, economic crisis, religion, homophobia, underground life, patents on life-saving medicines and healthcare inequality, present us with an opportunity to establish a clear picture of current events. They portray snapshots of the present, shadows of the past and visions of the future.

In addition to the documentaries of the Internazionale, there will also be a preview of MSF (un) limited. This documentary follows, without rhetoric or hypocrisy, a story of Doctors Without Borders. The largest independent humanitarian medical relief organization, constantly engaged in areas of conflict, natural disaster and violence.

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Main sponsor is Emil Banca, Facebook page.


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Of all the protagonists in Mondovisioni’s latest documentaries, the evangelical missionaries in God Loves Uganda are the only ones that aren’t afflicted with even the slightest doubt throughout the entire film. It is clear that their ultra religious and homophobic propaganda that they deem charity, in reality is seriously hurting and damaging this fragile country.



All the titles in the programme address current and relevant experiences in various contexts. A theme that runs through many of the documentaries is how disproportionate belief in something or someone comes to an end, and the actions that follow. Take, for example, the leader of North Korea’s regime in The Defector, from whom illegal migrants in flee.

Or alternatively the case in When Bubbles Burst: the citizens of the Norwegian town, Vik, have entrusted their taxes and savings to financial consultants. (The documentary seeks to discover where all these taxes and savings have ended up).

The Haitians, who survived the devastating earthquake in 2010, have had enough of the failed promises of international agencies and NGOs. The whole system of humanitarian aid needs to be re-established, as Fatal Assistance highlights. Additionally, we shouldn’t be so sure that all of the on-line services, applications and websites come without a cost (as highlighted by Edward Snowden) … The “small print” of these services is finally explored in detail in Terms and Conditions May Apply, informing us that the real sacrifice is that of our privacy.

The protagonist in Martha’s Suitcase (an extremely dramatic true story about gender-based violence) had to stop believing in the person she loved, because it was that same man that nearly killed her and who terrifies her, still. But just like Martha, who lives in an endless struggle to have a safe life both at home and away from home, the important thing is that eventually the moment arrives in which one must face these issues and learn from them.

Reactions to social injustices are present in all of these cases: economic and natural disasters, dogmas of faith or technologies and private or historical dramas. In Fire in the Blood a group of brave activists react against the worldwide patents on life-saving drugs that are responsible for the deaths of millions of people suffering from AIDS in the Third World. In Powerless, the protagonists take on the world of electricity in India, fighting against inequality in their own way: armed solely with a pair of pliers. They strive for a world filled with a little more light, hope and justice for all.



Tuesday 21th January 2014 | h21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

GOD LOVES UGANDA by Roger Ross Williams (US, 2013, 83′)

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In Uganda, American evangelical missionaries are known as much for the establishment of schools and hospitals, as for their religious extremism and campaigns against “sexual sins”. As a result, a bill was created which rendered homosexuality liable for capital punishment. Faith and greed, religious ecstasy and self-centeredness are the conflicting reasons that move the Ugandan politicians, the evangelical leaders and their followers. They are the soldiers of a theology that is provoking the start of a battle for billions of souls in Uganda. Shocking and enlightening, with unprecedented access to the movement, God Loves Uganda leads to the discovery of the two sides of Christian fundamentalism in the US and Africa.


Monday 3th february 2014 | h21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY by Cullen Hoback (US, 2013, 79′)

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In collaboration with Kilowatt

No one really reads the terms and conditions of every website one visits, the telephone service we use or applications we download. Through the portrayal of terrifying evidence and fascinating cases, this documentary reveals what is really written in that small print, and what governments and corporations are doing with our “personal” information. Whatever your privacy settings are, data is collected and online behaviours are monitored, rendering the future of civil freedom ever more unclear (as confirmed by the revelations of Edward Snowden on the NSA). The investigation of Hoback demonstrates how each of us, click after click, have gradually accepted a state of constant surveillance.

Festival: Slamdance, HotDocs Toronto, Seattle


Tuesday 18th february 2014   | h21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

FIRE IN THE BLOOD by Dylan Mohan Gray (UK/India, 2013, 84′)


In collaboration with Anlaids Emilia Romagna

Fire In The Blood portrays an intricate affair of medicine, monopoly and rage in the name of profit. It tells the story of how multinational drug companies and Western governments have prevented access to anti-Aids drugs in the southern hemisphere, causing more than ten million preventable deaths, and the group of people who decided to fight back. Filmed on four continents with testimonies of courageous activists, Fire in the Blood is the story of an extraordinary alliance formed to stop the “crime of the century” and save millions of lives. However, the victories were followed by reactions and setbacks so that public opinion remained uninformed that the battle for global access to life-saving medicines is still in its infancy.

Festival: Sundance, Thessaloniki, DOXA Vancouver, New Zealand, Helsinki


Lunedì 3 marzo 2014 | ore 21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

MSF(UN)LIMITED di Peter Casaer (Belgio 2011, 53′)

In collaboration with Medici Senza Frontiere



Wednsday 5th March 2014 | h21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

FATAL ASSISTANCE by Raoul Peck (France/Haiti/US/Belgium, 2012, 99′)

In collaboration with GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile

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The film is an indictment of the idealism with which the international community reacted to the catastrophe of the devastating Haiti earthquake of 2010. It considers how much of the promised money was never paid out and never used for the reconstruction. Those partaking in the rush to help Haiti included leading agencies and international NGOs, former President Bill Clinton and the inevitable Hollywood stars. Fatal Assistance confronts the complex reconstruction process and the impact of development aid, revealing the extent of their overall failure and pointing to the only possible consequence: the immediate end of the current policies and practices of humanitarian aid.

Festival: Sundance, Berlinale, HotDocs Toronto, San Francisco, Sydney, Human Rights Watch FF New York


Tuesday 18th March 2014 | h21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

WHEN BUBBLES BURST di Hans Petter Moland (Norvegia, 2012, 92′)

In collaboration with Terra di Tutti Film Festival

When Bubbles Burst (2)

In a globalized economy it is increasingly difficult for nations, societies and individuals to protect themselves from financial instability. But what is it that creates unpredictable bubbles and catastrophic collapses? The Norwegian town of Vik is an example of some of the consequences of the crisis, an idyllic and affluent village of 2800 people that has been caught up in overly complicated investments and, as a result, is now risking bankruptcy. From this example, the documentary seeks to discover the hidden operation of the global economy. Accompanied by Nobel laureates, renowned economists, international financial brokers and citizens of Vik, it traces illuminating historical parallels to better understand the current crisis and imagine trends and future alternatives.

Festival: AFI Silverdocs Washington, DOK Leipzig, CPH:DOX Copenaghen, One World Praga, DOXA Vancouver


Tuesday 1st April 2014 | h21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

MARTA’S SUITCASE by Günter Schwaiger  (Austria/Spain, 2013, 76′)

In collaboration with NoiNo.Org e Casa delle Donne


Marta is a Spanish woman who was brutally assaulted by her ex-husband. The attack nearly killed her. With his parole looming, Marta is sure he is going to find her and seek revenge. Hiding in her house, Marta attempts to deal with the traumas and fears she suffers from day to day. Working at the Männerwelten Association in Salzburg (a centre which provides therapy for men with violence issues), is psychotherapist Harald. He provides us with a testimony from one of his patients that leads us deep into his thoughts and shows us the threatening universal problem. This film tells the struggle and suffering of women who have been victims of domestic violence and also portrays the work and motivations of those who are working to prevent it now and in the future.

Festival: DocumentaMadrid, Human Rights Film Festival Barcelona, International Women Film Festival Vienna, Hofer Filmtage


Tuesday 15th April 2014 | h21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

THE DEFECTOR: ESCAPE FROM NORTH KOREA di Ann Shin (Canada, 2012, 71′)

In collaboration with Associazione YODA

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Dragon is the pseudonym of a trafficker of North Korean defectors fleeing through China, Laos, and Thailand where they can finally apply for asylum. The trip takes an unexpected turn when the group remains blocked in China, putting the complicated plan at risk. Their experience reflects the reality of tens of thousands of North Koreans currently underground in China, hunted by spies and agents of Pyongyang from Beijing. Travelling with them and filming undercover, the Korean-Canadian filmmaker Ann Shin reaches an intimate relationship with her subjects, and starting from the testimony of the living conditions under the North Korean regime, deals with universal issues of human rights and the pursuit of freedom.

Festival: IDFA Amsterdam, SXSW Austin, HotDocs Toronto, Sheffield Doc/Fest


Monday 28th April 2014 | h21.00 | Europa Cinema – Bologna

POWERLESS by Deepti Kakkar and Fahad Mustafa (India, 2013, 80′)

In collaboration with Namaste India

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In Kanpur, an Indian electrician is known for his skill in stealing electricity and supplying it to the poorer suburbs. Defying electric shocks and blackouts, he manages the precarious illegal connections so that homes, laboratories and shops can function. The city administration has renewed a crackdown against this operation, which has triggered anger and protests. The case of Kanpur, the Indian capital of the tannery industry, is a reflection of the instability in a country where a third of the population still lacks the essentials, and the rest is at the mercy of power outage such as critical blackout of 2012 which left 600 million people in the dark. Using two wonderful actors, Powerless shows us in an unpublished view behind-the-scenes of one of the most rapidly growing economies in the world.

Festival: IDFA Amsterdam, Berlinale, Tribeca

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DOVE: Europa Cinema, via Pietralata 55, Bologna

COSTO: 5 euro per ogni proiezione con tessera Kinodromo (3 euro) che si può fare direttamente al cinema